New CD “Anatolian Fantasy” available on January 25, 2013

Mesut's new CD "Anatolian Fantasy" will be released by Turquoise Guitar Editions on January 25.  This CD is a sequel to his first recording of folk inspired classical guitar music entitled "Troubadour," which included works by a number of composers. In this new album, all the music was written by Mesut, including not only solo but also chamber works, such as guitar duo, soprano-guitar duo, flute-cello-guitar trio, and kemençe-cello-guitar trio with Patrice Maginning (soprano), Neva Özgen (kemençe), Yelda Özgen (cello), William Coulter (steel string guitar), Lars Johannesson (flute), and Amy Brodo (cello).

Go to Album Release Page

Read the full program notes and order online at Turquoise Guitar Editions

Two new CDs scheduled to be released

Mesut's two new CDs "Anatolian Fantasy" featuring his own compositions and "21st Century Guitar Music" featuring new works written for Mesut are scheduled to be released in 2013 and 2014 respectively.

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