Aksak Duo violin-guitar concert, with Cihat Askin

City : Soquel, CA
Venue : Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
Address : 2402 Cabrillo College Drive, Soquel, CA 95073
Time : 4:00 PM
Aksak Duo violin-guitar concert, with Cihat Askin,
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Soquel, CA
Aksak Duo, formed by the Turkish virtuoso violinist Cihat Askin and guitarist/composer Mesut Özgen, begins their Concert Tour between March 24 - April 8 at the Kars Music Festival in Turkey. The duo performs a special program of violin-guitar music, including works by Pablo Ortiz, Robert Strizich, Chris Pratorius, Ken Walicki, Tolga Zafer Özdemir, and Mesut Özgen. Aksak means "limping" in Turkish and refers to an odd rhythmic pattern in 9/8 or 9/4 meter.
You can follow the concerts on the Facebook Aksak Duo Concert Tour Page.
Moldavian-Turkish Medley arr. M. Özgen
*Four by Six by Robert Strizich
*Freak Folk by Pablo Ortiz
*Pas de Deux by Chris Pratorius
Haydar (traditional Turkish) arr. Hakan Sensoy
*A Wave in the Ocean by Ken Walicki
Under the Spell of Selma by Tolga Zafer Özdemir
Milonga by Jorge Cardoso
Rumeli Türküsü by Mesut Özgen
*Written for Aksak Duo, premiere performances
Sunday, April 8, 2012 at 4:00 pm
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
2402 Cabrillo College Drive
Soquel CA 95073
(off the Park Avenue exit turn left, at the second stoplight, turn left again onto Cabrillo College Drive,
which curves to the left and ends in the church parking lot: Google Map)
Admission $20, general; $15 students/seniors; $10 children (12 & under) at the door