GuitArt Series: Sandman Cometh

City : Miami, FL
Venue : Wertheim Performing Arts Center Concert Hall - FIU
Address : 10910 SW 17th St., Miami, FL 33199
Time : 7:30 PM
Free Show
The FIU Miami Guitar Orchestra, directed by Mesut Ozgen, will present its spring concert, as part of the FIU GuitArt Series 2015-16 Season, featuring works by J.S. Bach, Benjamin Verdery, Carlos Rafael Rivera, Adam Cotton, John Williams, Gerald Garcia, and Jean Carlos Centeno for guitar orchestra.
Tantra by Carlos Rafael Rivera
Contrapunctus No. 1 (from the Art of Fugue) by J.S. Bach (arr. by Mesut Özgen for guitar orchestra)
Mountain Mission by Adam Cotton
Como Te Olvido by Jean Carlos Centeno (arr. Carlos Serrano)
Musha Study and Middle Ten by John Williams (based on traditional Zimbabwean music)
The Sandman Cometh (Segni Meravigliosi 4, Vespers No. 3) by Gerald Garcia
Scenes from Ellis Island by Benjamin Verdery
Guitars: Felipe Carvajal, Roberto Rodríguez, Thomas Caprara, Kevin Poblete, Shaun Rodríguez, Mario Alfaro, Jose Blandon, Roald Lopez, Brandon Benitez, Giancarlo Rojas, Wilfredo Aiello, Laura Mazon. Electric Guitars: Thomas Caprara, Shaun Rodríguez.
Director & Conductor: Mesut Özgen