MIGF 2019: Opening Concert AKSAK DUO

City : Miami, USA
Venue : Wertheim Performing Arts Center Concert Hall
Address : 10910 SW 17th Street, Miami FL 33199
Time : 7:30 PM
The 4th Miami International GuitART Festival kicks off with the opening concert of Aksak Duo with virtuoso Turkish violinist Cihat Askin and guitarist/composer Mesut Özgen, featuring works by Pablo Ortiz, Jorge Cardoso, and Mesut Özgen.
The festival presents 9 concerts, 5 masterclasses, 4 lectures, a composers panel, and luthiers expo from February 19-24, 2019. Other featured artists include Muriel Anderson (U.S.), Leonardo De Angelis and Emiliano Leonardi (Italy), Duo NIHZ with Bobby Rootveld and Sanna van Elst (The Netherlands/Germany), Kagan Korad, Tolga Salman, and Aysegül Koca (Turkey), and Felipe Carvajal (Costa Rica/U.S.).