MIGF 2022 Concert on February 25

City : Miami, USA
Venue : Wertheim Performing Arts Center Concert Hall
Address : 10910 SW 17th Street, Miami FL 33199
Time : 7:30 PM
The VII. Miami International GuitART Festival presents guitarists Aysegül Koca and Mesut Özgen in Concert, featuring a program of solo and duo works by Regondi, Albeniz, Turina, Piazzolla, and Ozgen.
The festival presents 18 concerts, 6 masterclasses, 6 lectures, a luthiers expo, and performance competition in hybrid modality with both in-person and virtual events from February 19-27, 2022. Featured artists include Clarice and Sergio Assad (Brazil), Galy and Eduardo Martin (Cuba), Zaira Meneses (Mexico), Martha Masters (USA), and Duo Siqueira Lima (Brazil) among many others.